NCFC 2012 has officially ended.

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Elibian Nights
by Arch

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End of NCFC 2012
Another year, another great show. Maybe a bit smaller this year, so we'll work towards fixing that for next year.

See you guys next year, on November 11-15, 2013

Here's the awards for those who missed them:

Best of Show: The Purple Coin
Runner up: Metroid Remix and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Best of: The Purple Coin
Runnerup: Mushroom Patrol: Midas Machine
Most Promising: Super Mario Bros: Odyssey

Best of: Legend of Zelda: Shattered Dimensions
Runner up: A Legend of Zelda: Horn of Balance
Most Promising: The Legend of Zelda...

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Posted by Kesha on Saturday, 17th November 2012 at 05:38:08 AM
Thursday's Fight Night
I know this is a little late, but I just wanted to post this to say that we will not be doing a poll for the fight night between Metroid Father Hunt and Metroid Dread because of delays and difficulties with streaming last night. They weren't both able to be played, so it wouldn't be fair. You should still play the games though. ;)

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Posted by Emperor on Friday, 16th November 2012 at 02:06:04 PM
Welcome to NCFC 2012

This'll be our sixth year of having an NCFC, which I think is pretty impressive. This'll be our first year without DJ Yoshiman running the radio, his brother DJ Hedgie has stepped up to the plate to provide our NCFC radio goodness. KiddoCabbusses is handling the livestream again, be sure to check that out as well. Black Squirrel provided the base graphics for the site's theme this year, with Emperor implementing it. We have the same staff as last year, myself, Adamgamer, and Emperor with Yoshiman and MetroidMaster still being around for additional support.

Thanks to all ...

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Posted by Kesha on Monday, 12th November 2012 at 06:03:39 AM
Registrations now open!
Time to submit your game booths and workshops. so be sure to check those out and post here if you have any questions.

Additionally, we're looking for some people to help run some events, if you're interested, here's what we're looking for:[quote]- Tournament/Competition Organizer; person or people in charge of game tournaments, minigame competitions, trivia night, stuff like that. You don't have to do all of them, but getting someone solidly assigned to this stuff ...

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Posted by Kesha on Wednesday, 31st October 2012 at 04:38:28 PM
NOVEMBER 12-16 2012
BE PREPARED :surprise:

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Posted by Kesha on Wednesday, 12th September 2012 at 01:45:20 AM
We're working on this years event
Don't worry we're not dead or anything. We're just not ready to advertise around or set up a splash page yet. :winking:

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Posted by Kesha on Sunday, 26th August 2012 at 01:12:25 AM

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