Super Mario Gear Solid
Plot Summary:
The setting occurs roughly twenty years after Mario defeated Bowser for the first and only time. He finds himself waking up from a blackout caused by his house collapsing on him during an earthquake that appeared to occur unnaturally. Consequently, the Koopa Troop, or the newly-established Sons of Bowser, rather, have invaded the entire Mushroom Kingdom and taken custody of Princess Peach under the command of Kamek. Mario is now obliged to infiltrate through Kamek's forces, and restore peace to the kingdom, but the story does not simply end there...
If you really wish to find out more about the story, the summarized plot script is provided here. Huge spoiler warning.
The only games that will be canon to this story are Super Mario Bros. 1 and Yoshi's Island.
* Six Worlds. A unique environment dedicated to each world, but done in a realistic manner. There is a possibility of an additional secret world.
* Six Unique and involving boss battles for each world. There is a possibility of an additional secret boss.
* At least 25-30 levels. I will make my best attempt to make each level as memorable as possible.
* A new light to the Super Mario series. Expect previously existing characters, but re-imagined in a new sense to fit the game's theme.
* New and dynamic graphics. In order to create a game with depth, I must also evoke this aspect visually-speaking.
* Achievements and unlockables. Although this feature will be limited, it will certainly provide replay value.
* A fluid physics and control system. This game will feature new gameplay mechanics that will potentially require the use of one hand to control all of Mario's movements.
* A tutorial system. This will be necessary to familiarize the player with new gameplay mechanics introduced by the game.
* An entirely new take on power-ups.
* The option to play the game by traditional means. Don't like using weapons in a Mario game? Not a problem! This is a stealth game, after all.
* Customizable controls. Are you unable to use weapons? Don't like controlling Mario with a single hand? As said before, not a problem.
* MGS-influenced gameplay mechanics and story. You will have the best of two worlds for this game.
Engine Demo:
2015 NCFC SMGS Engine Demo
Climb Up / Hover for a Limited Time as Rocket Mario: UP KEY
Climb Down / Ground Pound while in the air / Slide while on slope / Push and Release to toggle crawling while on flat surface: DOWN KEY
Hold to Run: Z
Jump: X
Change between Mario, Luigi, and Nabbit: C
Mute / Unmute: V
Restart Room: F2
Special Controls:
Spin Jump: Press X + Hold UP KEY
Double Jump: Press X while in air as Rocket Mario
Tumbling starting from a flat surface: Hold Z + Press DOWN KEY
Tumbling starting from a slope or flat surface: Hold Z + Press DOWN KEY + LEFT KEY or RIGHT KEY
Stand up after tumbling: Release DOWN KEY before tumbling duration ends
Crawl after tumbling: Hold DOWN KEY when tumbling duration ends