Sonic Chances
Robotnik seems to be at it again, and this time, he's targeting all of mobius. Follow Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy (and Robotnik?) as they slowly uncover the terrible perils that have befallen mobius.
This fangame is very early in development, and as such, some assets that are present in the NCFC engine test might not make it into the final release.
NOTE: The game may be a little too fast on displays that have a refresh rate higher than 60 hz, when this happens alter the maximum framerate with the 1/2 keys.
I've also included another track for the second zone in the music folder.
-Arrow keys: move sonic, make him look up (no crouching as of now)
-A/S/D: Action key (similar usage to the original genesis games)
-Enter: Pause
-1/2: Reduce and increase the maximum framerate
-3: switch between the test sonics.
Abilities added: Super Peelout, Spin Dash, Drop Dash.
This engine test is extremely rough, the test level is missing alot of custom assets and refinement. I wasn't able to work on the ncfc build alot, but i hope that despite those set backs, you'll still enjoy what's been implemented thus far.