October Ordeal 2023 NCFC Level Sampler

Apologies for last-minute submission, here is 7 levels of varying difficulty across the different worlds of my SMW hack. A proper demo will be released after the event.

Credits For Resources Appearing In This Sampler-
SF - The Dark Warrior (me) - Project creator and lead, various misc. graphics.
Nintendo - Mario Bros. Intellectual Property.
icegoom, Moltz - Base SMW Redrawn Graphics Hack.
Moltz - 3/4ths Beach Koopa Slides, new Blue Beach Koopa.
me, chaoxys, rixithechao, et. al - 3/4ths Redrawn Mario Bros. Player GFX.
Kixune - Majority of the tileset and BG work seen in the hack.
Skewer - Demo submap, Perplexing Pipeline, Ghost Cave levels, Underground BG.
Eminus - Jack-o-Chucks, Swamp Monster.
Neweegee - Venus Pumpkin Traps.
Magiluigi - Boo graphics.
Mystical Greninja - Jack-o-Goomba
sonicexe935 - Hellhound GFX.
Tamaki - Odallus: The Dark Call - The Dark Forest Area 1 Music port.
Masterlink - Duke Nukem 3D - Gotham Music port, Doom - Sign of Evil Music port, Michael Jackson's Thriller Music port
JX - Demons of Asteborg - Village Music port.
Milkymooer - Castlevania: The Adventure - Darkness
BigPotato, sonicexe935, SonicZetrex, Maciej - Cutscene panel graphics.
Deeke - Titlescreen, Cutscene mugshots.

Version History
RC1 (Oct. 31st) - Initial 2023 Sampler
RC2 (Nov. 1st) - Minor fixes to Forest level, see changes.txt for more details.

Click to enlarge.
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